How Smartphone Obesessive You Are

In Everyday Life, almost of us created a co-dependency with technology. We check our phones when there’s no reason to, often saying, “I’m just checking the time,” as an excuse. Meanwhile, we forget that we just “checked the time” a minute ago. Simply put, it’s not healthy. It’s gotten so bad, there’s a term for it: “Nomophobia,” the fear of being out of mobile contact. Psychologists compare it to other compulsive behaviors, such as smoking, doodling and fidgeting. How volatile of an addiction it can be.

Many of us from this mobile generation love these changes. They say they can't live without their phones and the always-connected lifestyle they promote. Just try to watch a movie in a theater these days without seeing the glare of a smartphone screen in a nearby seat.

There are serious questions, however, about what these gadgets may be doing to our brains. Some researchers say intense multitasking degrades a person's ability to focus deeply, think creatively and, in the end, be more productive. Smartphones are among the technologies
promoting this mode of thinking, where people toggle continually between streams of information.

Persons leaving in such imaginative and artificial world are increasing day by day.
This love for digital world has transformed into mental disorder. Even reasons for using technology have been changed and consequently this is affecting our relationship too.


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