How To Avoid Harmful Mobile Radiation

Everyday, you can see the increase in use of gadget day by day. The contribution of these gadgets to growth of the economy is unquestionable but ill effect of radiations from laptop, wifi router etc is similar as that of mobile but mobile should be on first priority to be looked upon because of vast increase in mobile phone users.
Electro Smog
Every mobile user is a moving source of harmful radio frequency radiation.This pollution is called 'Electro Smog'. This 'Electro Smog' was very strong during world war when power radiating sources were at long distance and radiated power was very high. As a result, this induces the change in the humsn body cells. As a result, many cases of cancer were reported in the prople living near to tower.
This radiation causes serious health problems. In last few years, evidence on the mobile phone use and risk of brain and other tumours of the head has grown considerably.
Precautions By Cell Phone User
1. Use mobile phone only for a short while. Keep it away while sleeping. Pregnant women should avoid as it may affects foetus.
2. Avoid calling when signal is weak because radiation is maximum when battery or signal is low.
3. Keep your mobile phone as far away from your body as possible. Avoid your mobile to keep in left pocket or near to your heart.
4. Use a rear shield for the phone to prevent radiation towards your body.
5. Buy cellphone with low SAR rating. Buy mobile of reputed make to ensure power level.
6. Switch your mobile phone from left to right ear while speaking without headseat.
7. More precautions should be taken with children as they are more susceptible to cell damage.
8. Dont clipped your mobile on your belt as it may affect your fertility.
9. Avoid unwanted call and advertisements through calls.
10. Use your landline, particularly when your work demands a lot of communication.


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